Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Smooth, Flat and Subdivision Surface

Last class I tried the Smooth function on Blender and found that It acted very differently from what i was used to on 3DSMax, the option modifies the shading and warps the way light hits the model, while i thought it would warp the geometry.

As you can see the one on the right has a defined point of light on its torso which is where i pointed the light, while the one on the left has a defined point on it's torso as well as shade dispersing outwards, this is easy to see when you look at the outline of the arms.

Now since last class I have learned that the geometry modifier I was looking for is under "Subverson Set", which is similar to meshsmooth in 3DSMax.

The Model on the left was rendered using the Subdivision set modifier, but lacked the application of "Smooth" shading to it's geometry, therefore you can still see the subdivided polygons created by the Modifier. The Model on the right however has both Subdivision set and shade smoothing. The end result is either a Beep-Boop robot mesh-looking model, or a "Proper" Tubeman which I will hopefully be giving some rudimentary textures to.

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